
The Importance of Accountability in the Recovery Process

The Importance of Accountability in the Recovery Process

The well-known spiritual leader, The Dalai Lama, often advises on how individuals can live a more peaceful and serene life. On the topic of accountability, he once suggested that individuals should “Follow the three R’s: Respect for self. Respect for others. Responsibility for all your actions.” While this is certainly healthy advice for everyone, it seems especially pertinent for those that are on the path of recovery.

There is no reason to sugarcoat it; recovery is often a long and engaging process. However, those that have gone through it and come out successful on the other end often say it’s the most important thing they have ever done. 

One of the character defects that often flares up with active addiction is the inability to hold oneself accountable. This lack of accountability often allows the individual to ignore consequences and push the blame for their actions and behaviors unto others. This is why accountability must be restored during the recovery process. This includes accountability for the person of concern, as well as the family that has been affected.

However, accountability in recovery is not something that is simply achieved out of nowhere. It takes a definitive plan of action. This may include proper case management, intervention specialists, recovery coaching for the family, and perhaps even a recovery companion for the struggling individual.

Accountability Is Key

If accountability is not restored, the potential for recovery becomes significantly disrupted. This is not far-fetched. The correlation between honesty and recovery are well known.

Those that have struggled with active addiction understand that protecting their addiction at all costs is what is paramount. Just as many 12-Step programs ask their participants if they are “willing to go to any length to stay sober.” The person in active addiction is willing to go to any lengths to stay using.

These lengths include deception, manipulation, isolation, and duplicity. What these lengths do not include is accountability. Restoring this accountability is critical because it is one of the only ways that someone becomes willing to deal with the wreckage of their past and begin the process of healing.

Recovery Accountability for the Individual

For those loved ones that are struggling with substance use disorder (SUD), restoring accountability is rarely a “quick-fix” process. This is why accountability tools and resources are often employed that will help the individual gain their sense of accountability moving forward.

This accountability may begin at the intervention stage if one is deemed necessary. When an individual admits, acknowledges, and accepts that they have a problem and need help, then they are showing the first signs of accountability.

It is also important to get the individual into the right recovery program or treatment facility after intervening so they can get the immediate help they need. Yes, this may mean the physical detox process. However, it also often means the types of therapeutic and communal assistance that will continue to help them gain a new sense of accountability.

After the initial treatment period, it can be difficult for the person of concern to navigate their way back into the “real world.” Many old situations may feel new and anxiety-inducing. These situations may also “trigger” old feelings and behaviors. This is where a recovery companion can be pivotal. A recovery companion can hold an individual accountable and teach them the tips and techniques they will need to stay accountable in the future.

Recovery Accountability for the Family

Accountability is also an important component of family recovery. This is not because the family has done anything wrong. It is just meant to help them maintain the new boundaries and goals that should be set to allow their loved one in their recovery journey to progress.

Just as with the person of concern, accountability does not often come easy for the family. Long have they been manipulated into aiding their loved one’s toxic way of life, and introducing stricter levels of accountability can be difficult. 

This is where case management and recovery coaching can become indispensable. Case management can help the family make a recovery plan and then stay the course as it is implemented. This means setting firm boundaries with their struggling loved ones.

However, setting boundaries is one thing, but adhering to them is something else entirely. That is where a recovery coach can help guide a family through the difficult times when their loved ones try to push these boundaries. Ultimately a recovery coach could also be considered an accountability coach as well.

Maintaining Accountability in Recovery

Here at Clere Consulting, we understand the difficult road of recovery. We understand that recovery is much more than a lapse in accountability. However, we also know that restoration of accountability is a key component of recovery. We have the tools to make that restoration a reality. Reach out and ask. We’ll be here to take your hand and answer.

Accountability is an integral part of a successful recovery. However, what many people do not realize is that accountability is not just on the part of the individual that is struggling with substance use disorder. For the families of loved ones who are struggling with addiction, accountability can be just as crucial. We here at Clere Consulting understand this. That is why we offer different monitoring programs and case management programs that can help ensure that both the individual and the family remain accountable. Our services can also ensure that recovery milestones are achieved along the way. Recovery is a long but rewarding process. We can help. Call Clere Consulting today at (866) 384-8847 for more information.