The expertise and confidentiality you require
From intervention strategies and succession planning to check-ins and everything in between, we’re here for advisors, clinicians and families.
The First Step
The first step is often the most vital. We work with advisors, clinicians and families to determine both the best course of action and the ideal team to successfully conduct an intervention
Recognizing the need
Individuals who struggle with addiction of any type – whether it’s alcohol, substance abuse, gambling, or something else – are often in denial about the extent of their challenges. That denial can be exacerbated when dealing with individuals of prominence, whose wealth and position often insulates them from the negative consequences of their actions. Likewise, their positions often make a successful intervention more challenging.
Stepping in
Planning and preparation is the key to a successful intervention. Bringing key family and team members together, prepping them to provide specific examples of destructive behaviors, and having a well-formed and results-driven plan in place to follow, complete with consequences for non-compliance, is the key to success.